Marlene F. Karman
Executive Director - Equine Trainer - PATH Intl Certified Therapeutic Riding Instructor
Marlene Karman is the founder and Executive Director of HRET. As a PATH instructor, she teaches many of our classes and creates individualized curriculum for schools and private classes.
Professional Association of Therapeutic Horsemanship (PATH) Intl certified therapeutic riding instructor, educator and wellness coach with M'lis (30+years), VP in saving and loan industry, previous Lemont Fire Commissioner, founding member of Willow Creek Church and co-leader of Prison and Jail Ministry, active member of the Equestrian Woods Community Association Board of Directors. Completed PATH Intl. Instructor Training for Equine Services for Heroes.
Art Karman
Equestrian Manager
Art keeps our horse herd healthy and happy. He makes sure all horses get any special feed, medication, blanketing or care. Art is at the barn daily to make sure our horses are happy and content year-round!
Financial Advisor (60+ years), co-leader of Willow Creek Barrington Prison and Jail Ministry.

Emma Bunda
PATH Intl Certified Therapeutic Riding Instructor, Lead Instructor
Instructor Coordinator
Herd Care Manager
Emma has been with us since our very first rider back in 2015, as a volunteer and herd helper. Since her first day, she knew she wanted to work for HRET as an instructor when she grew up! As soon as she turned 18 she began the track to get her PATH Intl. certifications. Now as an instructor, she uses the skills she learns in her certified therapeutic recreation specialist program to create unique and intellectual activities. Emma specializes in teaching our varied ability classes and is currently an instructor and volunteer trainer for all our morning school district classes. She has also recently taken on Herd Care Coordinator role and is loving getting to be hands-on with the horses everyday and ensuring their needs are met.
PATH Intl Certified Therapeutic Riding Instructor, pursuing Certified Therapeutic Recreation Specialist degree from University of St. Francis, ABA Therapist, 8+ years herd care/equine training experience, Learn to Skate USA instructor, USA Hockey Instructor, Shirley Ryan Abilitylab Volunteer, CPR/AED/First Aid certified.
Lindsey Kickert
PATH Intl Certified Therapeutic Riding Instructor
Education Coordinator
Equine Dreams Instructor
Lindsey teaches during our evening classes and uses her special education background to create a variety of fun, individualized, and skill-appropriate
activities for the riders. Lindsey specializes in creating lessons that also include academic skills!
PATH Intl Certified Therapeutic Riding Instructor, certified 6-12 educator, BS in secondary math education, endorsements in special education and middle school, MS in educational technology leadership.

Laura Karman
Farm Experience Coordinator
PATH Instructor In Training
More Information Coming Soon

Sarah Vitek
Volunteer and Rider Coordinator
More Information Coming Soon